Alumni Association
The St. Paul's Co-educational College Alumni Association (SPCCAA) was first established in 1921 in the name of "聖保羅舊生同學會" (at the time the School was called St. Paul's Girls' College). The Alumni Association was incorporated under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance as a non-profit organisation on 28 May 1965 under the name of "Saint Paul's Co-educational College Alumni Association Limited (聖保羅男女中學校友會有限公司)"
All of our past students are encouraged to join the Alumni Association to foster a lifelong intellectual and spiritual connection with our School and our fellow graduates. Globally, there are sizeable groups of alumni in many major cities around the world, meeting regularly to strengthen and renew their ties. Since its foundation in 1921, the Association has boasted a membership of over 9,100.
The objectives of the Association are:
- to promote a closer union among our members for the purpose of mutual assistance and promotion of interests;
- to encourage co-operation between our members and our Schools;
- to group our members into a civic-spirited body; and
- to advance and promote charity and community services generally; to found scholarships and libraries; to accept donations, endowments and support establishments and institutions relating to any of such worthy causes.
Over the years, members of the Alumni Association have worked tirelessly to fulfil the stated objectives of their Association. In addition to promoting fellowship among the members, the Alumni Association has contributed significantly to the development of the School in the areas of financial contribution, student support and enhancing the image of the School in the community at large. The members take great pride in ensuring that future generations of St. Paul's Co-educational College alumni continue to play a significant role in supporting the School and the community.