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A Memorial Fund in honour of Miss Liu Chun Ping (廖晉平老師)
In honour of Miss Liu, our Mathematics teacher at SPCC from 1987 to 2021, a group of her students initiated a memorial fund with the objective to grant an annual Mathematics Prize for the best performing Mathematics student in upper secondary classes and also support the staff development programmes. A scheme of cumulating donations is in force with the target to establish an endowment fund in the name of Miss Liu.
Please write a cheque made payable to: SPCC Charitable Trust, with the following details at the back of the cheque:
a)  “Memorial Fund – Miss Liu Chun Ping”
b)  Name of donor (for issuing tax deductible receipt for donation of HK$100 or above)
c)  Correspondence address
d) Contact number
e)  E-mail address
f)  Year of Graduation
and mail to: Development Office, St. Paul’s Co-educational College, 33 MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong